Aso ni San Roque is a drama-fantasy-adventure series created by Jun Lana, developed by Denoy Navarro Punio, under the direction of Don Michael Perez and produced by GMA Network. It banners child actress, Mona Louise Rey as Fatima and Princess 'D Dog in the title role. Also part of the main cast are LJ Reyes and TJ Trinidad with Angelika dela Cruz, Gardo Versoza and Paolo Contis as the villains.
The series ended on January 11, 2013. The show posted a 20.5% rating nationwide. It is the highest rating of Aso ni San Roque.
Meanwhile, rival Ina Kapatid Anak continued to top tv ratings as it posted a 31.4% rating that day and ranked 1st over-all.
The series ended on January 11, 2013. The show posted a 20.5% rating nationwide. It is the highest rating of Aso ni San Roque.
Meanwhile, rival Ina Kapatid Anak continued to top tv ratings as it posted a 31.4% rating that day and ranked 1st over-all.
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